Ranked 9/14/2011

More practice yay, long story short:

1.) streaming screws with my last hitting it turns out, so no more of that unfortunately for ranked practice =(, bix will start soon though, and I may still try frapsss

2.) one win, one loss today, second game was okay up to a point and had a sudden ridiculous spiraling snowball, but I think not too much more can be learned from that game lol

Stuff that effects what we play:
Brand and Orianna nerfs,
Morgana was buffed, wow what a difference…
Shen buffs incoming, along with some Morde nerfs
EPIC Taric buffs… I’m scared to see how strong he will get shortly.

*Panda joined the Girls4LoL tourney, good luck in that one
*ELO reset finally (supposedly today during downtime)
*SIGN UP FOR Alienware battle arena IT STARTS SOON

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